I finally got my class schedule all figured out because I had been having problems with it and it was getting very annoying. I have class from 9-1 and 3-5 on Tuesday and Wednesday. I only have one class from 3-5 on Monday, but I don't really count it since it's one class. I normally just say I have class Tuesdays and Wednesdays. It's weird only having classes for part of the week. I'm not complaining though. I'll only have Monday-Thursday classes when I get back to ISU in the Spring, so that's good.
So, on October 1st, me and 4 of my friends went to Calais for the day. The way you get there is to take a bus to Dover, and then a ferry (takes about an hour and a half) into France. This is the English Channel! We actually picked the worst day to go because it was rainy and gross ALL DAY as you can see in the picture. We were thinking of going to Paris for the weekend, but we waited a little too long to plan it and we ended up planning this trip the day before. It still wasn't much though because the bus was 5 roundtrip and the ferry was 12 roundtrip.
This is Calais! There isn't really much to do here except eat and go shopping in a couple places. They do have an awesome lighthouse, but it's only open on Saturdays, Sundays, and Wednesdays for the rest of the year...and since we went on a friday, we couldn't go up. They say that if it's a clear day, and you go up the 271 steps to the top, you can see Dover 26 miles away. I love nautical things, so this was really nice to go see, even if I didn't go inside.
This is Notre Dame Church...not to be confused with the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. We were hoping to go inside (to look around, and to also get out of the rain), but we couldn't find a way in. There really wasn't that much to see in Calais, but it was still fun to practice my french with the locals and buy pastries. I got a beignet to eat there, and a chocolate eclair for later. I ended up eating the eclair for breakfast the next morning, which was one of the best decisions I've made since coming here! So good. :]
Overall the trip was okay, but I'm still looking forward to going back to France in October where I'll be in Paris this time.
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