The first sight of France! This is from the ferry going to Calais. We drove to Paris from that point. This was the third time being in France. :] That’s probably the most impressive thing I can share at this point in my life. Haha But yes! After we drove to Paris, we dropped off our stuff at the hotel we were staying in Bercy. They said it was going to be centrally located, but it was on the very end of Paris….soooo that was odd. But it was still nice.
This is my three-year reunion! It was good to be back and see familiar things. I went on an organized tour though, so I didn’t get as much time in certain places, which was kind of annoying. But I know I’ll be back again sometime. Even if it is longer than three years just as long as it’s before April of 2017, because that’s when my passport expires! France is hard to describe to people. Paris is great, but I LOVE the countryside. I’d love to go back to the places I went to three years ago.
On the first day we just took a boat tour and had dinner somewhere. So it wasn’t too busy, which was a good idea since the next day ended up being a 14 hour day! >.<
Our first stop was Sacre Coeur. This is a famous cathedral in Montmartre that Amelie (one of my favourite movies) was filmed at. :] You had to climb stairs to get to the main level, but once you were up there, the view was crazy beautiful. You could see everything like Notre Dame (half of it is on the far left). It just seemed to go on forever.
After that we walked down to the Moulin Rouge!
This is Lauren and I being scandalous in from of the Moulin Rouge. I didn’t go there last time because it was a school trip and we weren’t allowed I’m pretty sure. We were only there for like 3 minutes to take pictures and such, but it was still neat to see it. I love windmills, so that was cool to see too.
We headed over to Notre Dame after eating lunch, but we didn’t get much time since we were heading off somewhere else again. But that didn’t stop us from taking multiple jumping pictures! I’m trying to get one everywhere I go so I can make an album called “Jumping around the World”. I think it’s clever. It’s hard to do jumping pictures with a self-timer and that’s what I have to use when I travel by myself, or else I’m not going to have any pictures of me in places!
***** This the Halfway point. Congratulations for making it this far *****
Just another jumping picture! We went to Versailles after Notre Dame. I loved that place when I went the last time so it was cool being back. Only things were different because furniture had been moved out in some rooms and replaced with really strange anime looking sculptures.
I guess they are trying to show that they get along with other cultures, but it was still weird. ALSO! We had to pay to get into the gardens because some event was going on. That was really annoying but the gardens really aren’t a place to miss when you go there since they are huge and amazing.
They just seem to go forever. Plus, there are fountains and other such things in between sculptures. We didn’t go through all of it, but we did cover more than I had before. That’s probably because last time we walked through a bit, then got ice cream until we left. :] But it was seriously the best ice cream I’ve ever had.
To make the day even better, we headed to the Eiffel Tower! It was raining when we got there so they had closed off the top, but later opened it when we were on the second level so we went up. That’s exactly what happened to me last time, so that was weird. It was SO WINDY up there. I was scared I was going to die….seriously. Plus, I forgot how high it is. You go up in the elevator and it doesn’t seem to stop going up for the longest time. I liked being up there at night because it was daytime 3 years ago, so now I’ve seen both.
To top it all off, we went on top of the Arc de Triomphe. I did not get a chance to do this last time (I couldn’t even think of the reason why, but I want to say it was because we didn’t want to pay, which is stupid). This is the Champs Elysees from the top. It was significantly busier than all the other streets.
The last day we went to the Louvre. They only gave us 2 hours! >.< You seriously need a full day there so that was annoying. I should be planning these trips, seriously. But anyway, I learned about these in my Art History class last year at ISU and it’s so weird to just see a picture of these by themselves because they seriously look 3 feet tall, but then you put a person next to them, and they are GIANT! I wish I had my notes with me so I could actually write more about them, but it’s okay because I’ll see them soon. :]
SO! That’s Paris in a nutshell! Thanks for reading it!
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